Jul 7, 2012


So I notice yet again how badly I suck at blogging or rather remembering to blog.  Blah.  So perhaps a daily rant in in order.  Or better yet the rant of the year thus far to get it all out of my system.

Previously I was working, constantly at a place I had been at for 10 years.  See I got the job at this place back in 2002 before I even decided to move to this town.  **time warp back to 2001**

(2001)The place I had previously worked at shut down do to a no smoking bylaw in the city I had lived in my whole life.  It was a job I loved dearly and it made me a very happy energetic and loveable person.  I loved the people I worked with and worked for.  Unfortunately the City implemented the by law and we shut down just before Christmas of 2001.  I tried to find work in the city I loved and busted my ass doing so.  Only to not find anything. 
(2002)  While still living in the City I loved I decided to drop off resumes in the town that my mother lived in.  Jokingly I handed in a resume at my now former employer. I went home that Sunday and got a call on the Monday.  I had to go back for an interview.  So I packed up a 2 day bag to spend the interview time at my mothers and got her to come get me again.  I never went back to my old apartment because I was hired on the spot to work the next day. 

I spent the next 10 years working in this place.  Which now I can't even stand.  Everything about how it is there turns my stomach.  The staff are treated like minions who do not deserve respect.  Any way,  as the story is told and as I sit here I do remember some good times in that place.  In 2004 I started to have pains in my wrists and arms that would make me drop things due to not being able to grip them at all.  I went to a Dr. and they told me I had Carpel Tunnel and to wear wrist braces.  Which I subsequently did for a about 6 years.  Then the owners whom were new wanted to know why and wanted me to get testing done on my wrists to know what was wrong with me so in 2010 it began.  My journey into joblessness.  I was sent for testings beyond testings.  CAT scans.. MRI's.  Blood work.  Ultrasounds,  Nerve testings ect..  during which time my DR sent a letter to my employers (FAF) stating I could only do anything as tolerated.  So I did Then in Sept of 2011 I said I couldn't handle the pain and would not do one job after already having done my shift and this job would of left me there for another 2 hours after my shift and would not be completed until i had been there for 4 hours after my shift..Time shift October 2011  because of my inability  to do said job things went down and shit metaphorically hit the fan.  So off I went for more testing..

On December 13,2011  I was diagnosed with Permanent Nerve Damage of my upper body, and Osteoarthritis of my mid to lower spine, and IBS.  Fun times eh??  So now.. I can not sit for long periods of time; I can not stand for long periods of time; No lifting from floor to waist and shoulder to overhead above 10 lbs waist to shoulder 20lbs... No bending; No Twisting; No repetitive movement.  I am fucked.  For LIFE.  My body is so ruined I can not function daily and sometimes have to get help to the bathroom or hell even to get standing if I sit for to long.  I've been busting my ass in jobs since I was 14years old and 20 years later I am more fucked up then some of the people I know that are in their 80's. 

So my rant.  Don't fuck with your body when it tells you to stop STOP don't continue don't over do it you need your body it is the only one you have.

Subsequently on January 5th 2012 after 10 years of busting it I lost my job.  They said it was with no concerns ..  But in my heart I know it was because of my disabilities.

Please any person who is young and could be reading this  don't over do it.  Don't hurt yourself to try and get ahead in a minimum wage job.  In the end it's not worth it.



Jun 6, 2011

R-R-R-Rant of the Day!!

Ok so this isn’t just a simple little rant all wrapped into one and shit. 

Of course I am the Rant Queen.  It is hard for me to not find an issue with daily life when I am stuck in an eternal hell of things to rant about.

So rant of the day

Stinky Ass Mother Fuckers who think it is appropriate to walk into a place of business smelling to high Heaven of what ever nastiness comes with them.  Showers were invented for a reason, the same with soap.  Try giving them a try you will more then likely find that you have way more friends and get less stares as other people around you can smell the nasty coming off of you.  I don’t just mean the smell of BO, Cat piss, or any other nasty smell you can think of.  This also includes wearing too much perfume, Cologne or what ever you want to call it.  Seriously you may think it smells nice but to people like me it smells like you have been bathing in the shit for over 48 hours marinating you ass to try and hide the smell of something else.

Perfume/Cologne are suppose to be an accent scent not a horrific scent.  Less is more people less is more. 

Jun 5, 2011

Well it seems I have been worse then I thought at this blog thing.

But why not try it out for a sixth time and hopefully try to get it right.

As previously stated I am going to try and make this blog about random things from what I cook to how my day went to hell something I have been dreaming about and even a little glimpse into the mind of someone like me.


You see many people do not know how to handle me let alone others they may know like me.

I look normal on the outside.  I have a normal type of personality .  If you know me then you know that I am bi-polar I tend to lose my shit a lot and not really know why.  People can try to joke with me but it doesn’t help that tends to irritate me more.  I try to keep it under control myself as much as I can.

Perhaps this will help.  Perhaps this could be my outlet.  With daily rants or something of the sort thrown into the mix.

I don’t know at this point this is all still just a little thing I am trying sadly to get myself into.  Especially because I am trying to do a newsletter for work .. which is proving to be very difficult LOL.  Anywho that is enough for me for Now




Dec 5, 2010

I just realized

That it has actually been almost a full year since my first post and I swore I would keep up with it LOL Apparently I suck at this sort of thing but now that I have Windows Live writer I will probably post more because it seems That much easier to keep running without over bandwidth usages LOL

But with this sort of thing will also come some random activities that I think of as I go like..


My family Tree


Hell you might even find out something about me .. Like I fucking HATE peas!!! with everything in my being I hate those evil little earth rocks LOL


Anywho off I go again TTFN




So with the Holidays upon us it has been pretty crazy.  Things changing, people being assholes.  Working going from dead to busy as all hell.  Things keep getting weird.  Finances and other bullshit.  Yet!!! Things are finally looking up.  Going to be applying for housing considering it is hard to actually pay for the bills in this place not to add to the fact that we have a VERY nosey neighbour who we think is sneaking into our mail box and taking the shit to see what it is before he actually puts it back and shit. 

Anywho I have been doing some searching into my family background and have come across some seriously weird shit .. but again not enough to fully get into it  right now But wait to see the posts it is going to get crazzzzyyy

Oh well .. More to come another day .. hmm perhaps I will starting putting in some of my holiday recipes and holiday traditions into this blog for people to learn some more shit about me.

Dec 17, 2009

The begining

So here it goes day 1 of actually blogging, something I haven't done in about 7 years. So here goes nothing. First a little about me. I'm a 31 yo Lesbian who lives with my wife in a small town in Ontario Canada. I work for a country wide company. We have a dog, a rabbit and a G. Pig. lol My wife is 3 years younger then me and at the moment re job searching as her summer job closed for the winter. We have been together for 5 years.

Now enough about that lets get in on the daily activities.

Today is the day for my work Christmas Party, so today we have to go and get the local legion prepared and decorated for it. Then we have people coming over for a pre party. Following that will be the party itself. Tonight is going to be a good night for sure. It's going to be fun and exciting. There is a dinner put on by the ladies Auxiliary as well as dancing and prizes for all.

Now When I get back from set up I have a special post I will be making. Stay tuned.

Peace. Love. Harmony. Respect